f. 6v., text

f. 6v., text

In this brief text we learn that this is a place called Tepetzinco, where the land of “our precious father” (i.e. St. Michael) measures 200 cords (mecatl in Nahuatl) stretching out (from here). The ink here is a brownish color, the same as the principal text of the manuscript, and the handwriting is the same, all of which would suggest that it was made by the same person at the same time. [SW]

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[f. 6v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] En Tepetzinco se extienden las tierras de nuestro venerado padre 200 mecates tendidos XXXXXX

English Translation

[f. 6v., Nahuatl-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] In Tepetzinco are the lands of our venerable father, 200 cords [mecatl in Nahuatl; mecates in Spanish] long XXXXXX

Analytic Transcription

[f. 6v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] tepetzinco mani yntlaltzin totlazotatzin matlacpual mecatl huytlatztoc XXXXXXX



Spanish Translation

[f. 6v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] En Tepetzinco se extienden las tierras de nuestro venerado padre 200 mecates tendidos XXXXXX

English Translation

[f. 6v., Nahuatl-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] In Tepetzinco are the lands of our venerable father, 200 cords [mecatl in Nahuatl; mecates in Spanish] long XXXXXX

Analytic Transcription

[f. 6v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] tepetzinco mani yntlaltzin totlazotatzin matlacpual mecatl huytlatztoc XXXXXXX

