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f. 2v., full page of text

f. 2v., full page of text

This portion of text mentions the inhabitants of the town of San Bartolomé and the people of Xonacatlan (neighboring indigenous communities), who apparently came out to recognize the territory of this town, and so that all will know the location of the boundaries established by the king. So, “now and here” everything is set down about the foundation, the establishment of our town, so that the children (next generations) will know where they are located. This multiple page text all appears to be in the same hand, and the ink is a brown color. [SW]

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[f. 2v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] los habitantes del pueblo de San Bartolomé junto con todas las personas de Xonacatlán, he juntado a todas los habitantes del pueblo y esto para siempre será conocido, todo en presencia de nuestro pueblo y ahora a los hijos se dio a conocer donde yacen los linderos, donde coinciden [...] en nombre de nuestro […] el rey. Ahora aquí todo es puesto por escrito la fundación, el establecimiento de nuestro pueblo para que todos lo conozcan, los hijos [...] sabrán donde se extiende […]

English Translation

[f. 2v., Nahuatl-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] the inhabitants of the town of San Bartolomé together with the people of Xonacatlán; I have brought together all of the inhabitants of the town and this will our town document will be written in black ink, so that no one will be concerned; all in the presence of our town; and now the children have been informed where the boundaries lie, where they coincide; in the name of our… the King. Now here the [story of the] foundation, the establishment of our town is written down so that everyone knows it, the children […] will know where [the land] stretches […]

Analytic Transcription

[f. 2v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] yhuan xan paltolomen altepeh…que ca moh titozentlatilanaltia yhuan xonatitlantlaca auh nelm… hyntin altepehuaque onicquinzentlali ypanpa yzemixpan motli mahiotiz yninto altepeme amauh ypanpa amo ac motequipahoz canahiztimani yn canin mani coaxo…tli yn canin titocoaxohnamiq… uh yn axcan yca ynin topil.…ixtoc huelitiliztli onimactiloc yhuan ycan itocatzin tohueytla…catzin ley axcan niz moh motlilm…hiotia ynitzinpeuhca ymanca ynin toaltepeuh ypanpa zemicac mahiztitoz quimatizque yn top…huan yn hualmomanazque yn … nozcaltizque auh zano yoqui… tozque canin mamani y…


Spanish Translation

[f. 2v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] los habitantes del pueblo de San Bartolomé junto con todas las personas de Xonacatlán, he juntado a todas los habitantes del pueblo y esto para siempre será conocido, todo en presencia de nuestro pueblo y ahora a los hijos se dio a conocer donde yacen los linderos, donde coinciden [...] en nombre de nuestro […] el rey. Ahora aquí todo es puesto por escrito la fundación, el establecimiento de nuestro pueblo para que todos lo conozcan, los hijos [...] sabrán donde se extiende […]

English Translation

[f. 2v., Nahuatl-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] the inhabitants of the town of San Bartolomé together with the people of Xonacatlán; I have brought together all of the inhabitants of the town and this will our town document will be written in black ink, so that no one will be concerned; all in the presence of our town; and now the children have been informed where the boundaries lie, where they coincide; in the name of our… the King. Now here the [story of the] foundation, the establishment of our town is written down so that everyone knows it, the children […] will know where [the land] stretches […]

Analytic Transcription

[f. 2v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] yhuan xan paltolomen altepeh…que ca moh titozentlatilanaltia yhuan xonatitlantlaca auh nelm… hyntin altepehuaque onicquinzentlali ypanpa yzemixpan motli mahiotiz yninto altepeme amauh ypanpa amo ac motequipahoz canahiztimani yn canin mani coaxo…tli yn canin titocoaxohnamiq… uh yn axcan yca ynin topil.…ixtoc huelitiliztli onimactiloc yhuan ycan itocatzin tohueytla…catzin ley axcan niz moh motlilm…hiotia ynitzinpeuhca ymanca ynin toaltepeuh ypanpa zemicac mahiztitoz quimatizque yn top…huan yn hualmomanazque yn … nozcaltizque auh zano yoqui… tozque canin mamani y…
