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f. 4v., full page of text

f. 4v., full page of text

The text continues here to mention that the observations and celebrations will happen on the day of our venerable father, St. Michael. All of his property is being cultivated. The 500 mecatl (cords),* liberally marked, are shown in their full extension, and these shall always be observed, without any alteration, by the inhabitants. The inhabitants will always fulfill (their duties on this land). The writer concludes that everything is written here adequately and in order that everything can be fulfilled. The author is named here to be Esteban Jacobo, and he states that he was writing under the orders of the local lord, “here in the palace” (tecpancalli). This multiple page text all appears to be in the same hand, and the ink is a brown color. [SW] ---------- *The "mecatl" (Nahuatl for rope, cord) was a linear measure of land that became "mecate" in Spanish. Its length may have varied regionally. And, in some places, the cord may have been an areal measure, although we do not know its exact dimensions without further information. The term mecatl was used in the Techialoyan corpus across vast regions, rather indiscriminately, and is not necessarily a reflection of local practice. In the Valley of Toluca, one local linear measure was a stick. The number 500 sounds more like a round number in the decimal system than a typical vigesimal round number, suggesting a possible European influence. [SW]

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[f. 4v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] el día de nuestro venerable padre San Miguel, todo su pedazo de propiedad está siendo cultivado: 500 mecates marcados libremente, se ven extenderse. Estas disposiciones siempre serán observadas sin diferencias por los habitantes, siempre las cumplirán, todo aquí está escrito adecuadamente y para que estas realmente puedan cumplirse […] Esteban Jacobo […] bajo órdenes de nuestro señor, aquí en este palacio

English Translation

[f. 4v., Nahuatl-to-English cords by Stephanie Wood:] the day of our venerable father San Miguel; his entire piece of property is being cultivated: 500 mecates [mecatl in Nahuatl; mecates in Spanish] freely marked, seen stretching out. These arrangements will always be observed without difference by the inhabitants, they will always obey them; everything here is written appropriately, and so that these can actually be fulfilled… Esteban Jacobo […] under orders of our ruler, here in this palace.

Analytic Transcription

[f. 4v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] ylhuytzin totlazotatzin x… miquel ca huel yxquih y… yc hueyac ynitlaltzin m…milhihuaz zemicac zentz…stli ypan macuylpual mec… huytlatztoc neztimani nin tlatlalili zemicac mopi… amo ytlacahuyz quinelti…que yn altepehuaque zemi… yoqui mohihuaz ca moh nizt… patimani auh ypanpa nelt… melahuac mohiuhtoz ne… pol yxtepan xacopo oni… cuylo ytencopa yn totecu… nican ytec yni tecpancali


Spanish Translation

[f. 4v., Nahuatl-to-Spanish translation by Florencio Barrera:] el día de nuestro venerable padre San Miguel, todo su pedazo de propiedad está siendo cultivado: 500 mecates marcados libremente, se ven extenderse. Estas disposiciones siempre serán observadas sin diferencias por los habitantes, siempre las cumplirán, todo aquí está escrito adecuadamente y para que estas realmente puedan cumplirse […] Esteban Jacobo […] bajo órdenes de nuestro señor, aquí en este palacio

English Translation

[f. 4v., Nahuatl-to-English cords by Stephanie Wood:] the day of our venerable father San Miguel; his entire piece of property is being cultivated: 500 mecates [mecatl in Nahuatl; mecates in Spanish] freely marked, seen stretching out. These arrangements will always be observed without difference by the inhabitants, they will always obey them; everything here is written appropriately, and so that these can actually be fulfilled… Esteban Jacobo […] under orders of our ruler, here in this palace.

Analytic Transcription

[f. 4v., Transcription of the Nahuatl by Florencio Barrera:] ylhuytzin totlazotatzin x… miquel ca huel yxquih y… yc hueyac ynitlaltzin m…milhihuaz zemicac zentz…stli ypan macuylpual mec… huytlatztoc neztimani nin tlatlalili zemicac mopi… amo ytlacahuyz quinelti…que yn altepehuaque zemi… yoqui mohihuaz ca moh nizt… patimani auh ypanpa nelt… melahuac mohiuhtoz ne… pol yxtepan xacopo oni… cuylo ytencopa yn totecu… nican ytec yni tecpancali
