Texcalucan y Chichicaspa, Manuscrito Techialoyan de

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This manuscript is associated with the indigenous communities of San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Santa María Magdalena Chichicaspa in the modern state of Mexico, republic of Mexico. The manuscript is an unpublished example from the genre called “Techialoyan Codices” — late colonial, Nahuatl-language manuscripts written and painted on amatl (amate in Spanish, the name for a native fig-bark paper). Techialoyan manuscripts date from the late-seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. This particular manuscript is listed as number 744 in the Techialoyan catalog published in the Handbook of Middle American Indians in 1975. The authors of the catalog state that it was burned by the Audiencia of New Spain in 1703. It was clearly ordered to be burned, but it somehow survived that fate. The small communities of San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Santa María Magdalena Chichicaspa are in the larger municipality of Huixquilucan, another Techialoyan town. The Huixquilucan manuscript is number 724 in the HMAI catalog. The Texcalucan and Chichicaspa manuscript consists of seventeen folios measuring about 8” by 8”, in a typical organization for the genre, of two-sided, single leaves that have been bound on the left margin. The manuscript is both pictorial and textual. Four of the folios contain full, running text in Nahuatl. Graphics tend to represent landscapes in and around the community. We also see men working fields, fishing, and gathering in small meetings. One scene shows two men from pre-Columbian times wearing feathered costumes, one holding a war shield and the other an obsidian-studded club. In the entire manuscript, only one woman appears, doña María Tezozomoctzin, wife of don Alonzo Chimalpopoca, who stands next to her. (Stephanie Wood)

Title variants: 
Manuscrito Techialoyan de San Cristóbal Texcalucan y Santa María Magdalena Chichicaspa
Principal editor: 
Stephanie Wood
This manuscript was in the private collection of Jay I. Kislak in Miami Lakes, Florida, in the late twentieth and early twenty-first-century. The manuscript was for sale for a time in the mid-1980s at H.P. Kraus Rare Books and Manuscripts in New York. It is not known if Mr. Kislak purchased the manuscript from Kraus or if it changed hands one or more times before he acquired it. Prior to the 1980s, its ownership history is unknown. Mr. Kislak loaned the manuscript to the Library of Congress for a time in the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Transcriptions and Translations

Analytic Transcription English Translation Literal Transcription Spanish Translation Standardized Transcription
[f. 5v.] niz motenehua atlan mani ontzontli mecatl tlali ymaxca altepehuaque neztoc nenemi coaxohtli xxxxxx [f. 5v.] Here at the place called Atlan [or, literally, at the water or stream] there are two tzontli [presumably, 2 x 400, or 800] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of land that is the property of the citizens of the altepetl. It appears how the boundary runs along. XXXXXX [f. 5v.] nizmotenehuaatlanmanion tzontlimecatltlaliymaxcaal tepehuaqueneztocnenemicoa xohtlixxxxxx [f. 5v.] Aquí en este lugar que se llama Atlan [o, literalmente, a la orilla de el agua] hay dos tzontli presumiblemente 2 x 400, o 800] mecatl [mecates, en español] de tierra que es la propiedad de los ciudadanos del altepetl. Aparece como los linderos corren a lo largo. XXXXXX [f. 5v.] niz motenehua Atlan mani ontzontli mecatl tlalli imaxca altepehuaque neztoc nenemi coaxochtli xxxxxx
[f. 6r.] niz motenehua ytzatlan mani caxtolpualmecal tequitcatlali nenemi coaxohtli neztimani moh quizehuyca atentli xxxxx [f. 6r.] Here at the place called Itzatlan there are 300 mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of tribute land. As appears, the boundary runs along, all following the edge of the water. XXXXX [f. 6r.] nizmotenehuaytzatlanmani caxtolpualmecal tequitcatla linenemicoaxohtlineztima nimohquizehuycaatentlixx xxx [f. 6r] Aquí en el lugar que se llama Itzatlan hay 300 mecatl [mecates, en español] de tierra de tributo. Como aparece, el lindero corre a lo largo, todo siguiendo la orilla del agua. XXXXX [f. 6r.] Niz motenehua Itzatlan mani caxtolpohualmecatl tequitcatlali nenemi coaxochtli neztimani moch quicenhuica atentli XXXXX
[f. 6v.] niz motenehua totomohco mani Ontzontli mecatl tlali yaxcatzin totlazotatzin [f. 6v.] Here at the place called Totomochco there are two tzontli [presumably, 2 x 400, or 800] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of land that is the property of our precious father [the patron saint]. [f. 6v.] nizmotenehuatoto mohcomaniOntzon tlimecatl tlaliyax catzintotlazotatzin [f.6v.] Aquí en el lugar que se llama Totomochco hay dos tzontli [presumiblemente, 2 x 400, o 800] mecatl [mecates, en español] de la tierra que es la propiedad de nuestro precioso padre [el santo patrón]. [f. 6v.] niz motenehua Totomochco mani ontzontli mecatl tlalli iaxcatzin totlaçotatzin
[f. 7r., top] niz motenehua cacalo..pec m[a?]ni yetzontli mecatl tequitcatl[a?]li nenemi coaxohtli neztimani [f. 7r., top] Here at the place called Cacalotepec there are three tzontli [presumably, 3 x 400, or 1,200] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of tribute land. It appears how the boundary runs along. [f. 7r. (top)] nizmotenehuacacalo..pecm.. niyetzontlimecatltequitcatl.. linenemi coaxohtlineztimani [f. 7r., Aquí en el lugar que se llama Cacalotepec hay trés tzontli [presumiblemente, 3 x 400, o 1,200] mecatl [mecates, en español] de tierra de tributo. Aparece como los linderos corren a lo largo. [f. 7r., top] niz motenehua Cacalotepec [?] mani yetzontli mecatl tequitcatlalli nenemi coaxochtli neztimani
[f. 7r. (bottom)] niz motenehua tepetl ytzintlan m[ani?] quizehuica tetitlan tepetlapan [f. 7r. (bottom)] Here at the place called Tepetl Itzintlan is [land] that includes, goes together with Tetitlan and Tepetlapan. [f. 7r. (bottom)] niz motenehuatepetlytzintlanm.. quizehuicatetitlantepetlapan [f. 7r. (abajo) Aquí en el lugar que se llama Tepetl Itzintlan es (la tierra) que incluye, va junto con Tetitlan and Tepetlapan. [f. 7r. (bottom)] niz motenehua Tepetl Itzintlan mani [?] quicenhuica Tetitlan Tepetlapan
San Cristobal Texcalucan B
[a rubric]
[f. 7v.] nican motenehua ytzatlan totom....co mani zentzontli ypan macuyl...zontli mecatl tlali moh quizehuyc... ...epehpan tomayzquitlan po....la natzoyatla....========xxxx [f. 7v.] Here at the place called Itzatlan, at Totomochco [maybe both, maybe one is included in the other] there are six tzontli [presumably, 6 x 400, or 2,400] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of land. It all follows along [?] at Tepechpan, Tomaizquitlan [possibly two place names run together], Pochtlan [?], [and] Natzoyatlan. XXXX [f. 7v.] nicanmotenehuaytzatlantotom.. comanizentzontliypanmacuyl.. zontlimecatltlalimohquizehuyc.. epehpantomayzqu..itlan po... lanatzoyatla..========xxxx [f. 7v.] Aquí en el lugar que se llama Itzatlan, en Totomochco [tal vez los dos, tal vez uno se incluye en el otro} hay seis tzontli [presumiblemente, 6 x 400, o 2,400] mecatl [mecates en español] de tierra. Todo sigue al lo largo [?] en Tepechpan, Tomaizquitlan [posiblemente dos topónimos corren juntos], Pochtlan [?], [y] Natzoyatlan. [f. 7v.] nican motenehua Itzatlan Totomochco [?] mani centzontli ipan macuiltzontli [?] mecatl tlalli moch quicenhuica Tepechpan Tomaizqu..itlan Po...la natzoyatlan========xxxx