f. 7v., text

f. 7v., text

This is a detail of the principal text of folio 7 verso. The text tells us that this is a place with lands that measure six tzontli (6 x 400, or 2,400) of mecatl (cords), a measure of land in this vicinity.
Detalle del texto principal del folio 7 verso. El texto nos dice que este es un lugar con tierras que miden seis tzontli (6 x 400, or 2,400) de mecati, una medida de tierra en esta vecindad.

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[f. 7v.] Aquí en el lugar que se llama Itzatlan, en Totomochco [tal vez los dos, tal vez uno se incluye en el otro} hay seis tzontli [presumiblemente, 6 x 400, o 2,400] mecatl [mecates en español] de tierra. Todo sigue al lo largo [?] en Tepechpan, Tomaizquitlan [posiblemente dos topónimos corren juntos], Pochtlan [?], [y] Natzoyatlan.

English Translation

[f. 7v.] Here at the place called Itzatlan, at Totomochco [maybe both, maybe one is included in the other] there are six tzontli [presumably, 6 x 400, or 2,400] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of land. It all follows along [?] at Tepechpan, Tomaizquitlan [possibly two place names run together], Pochtlan [?], [and] Natzoyatlan. XXXX

Literal Transcription

[f. 7v.] nicanmotenehuaytzatlantotom.. comanizentzontliypanmacuyl.. zontlimecatltlalimohquizehuyc.. epehpantomayzqu..itlan po... lanatzoyatla..========xxxx

Standardized Transcription

[f. 7v.] nican motenehua Itzatlan Totomochco [?] mani centzontli ipan macuiltzontli [?] mecatl tlalli moch quicenhuica Tepechpan Tomaizqu..itlan Po...la natzoyatlan========xxxx

Analytic Transcription

[f. 7v.] nican motenehua ytzatlan totom....co mani zentzontli ypan macuyl...zontli mecatl tlali moh quizehuyc... ...epehpan tomayzquitlan po....la natzoyatla....========xxxx



Spanish Translation

[f. 7v.] Aquí en el lugar que se llama Itzatlan, en Totomochco [tal vez los dos, tal vez uno se incluye en el otro} hay seis tzontli [presumiblemente, 6 x 400, o 2,400] mecatl [mecates en español] de tierra. Todo sigue al lo largo [?] en Tepechpan, Tomaizquitlan [posiblemente dos topónimos corren juntos], Pochtlan [?], [y] Natzoyatlan.

English Translation

[f. 7v.] Here at the place called Itzatlan, at Totomochco [maybe both, maybe one is included in the other] there are six tzontli [presumably, 6 x 400, or 2,400] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] of land. It all follows along [?] at Tepechpan, Tomaizquitlan [possibly two place names run together], Pochtlan [?], [and] Natzoyatlan. XXXX

Literal Transcription

[f. 7v.] nicanmotenehuaytzatlantotom.. comanizentzontliypanmacuyl.. zontlimecatltlalimohquizehuyc.. epehpantomayzqu..itlan po... lanatzoyatla..========xxxx

Standardized Transcription

[f. 7v.] nican motenehua Itzatlan Totomochco [?] mani centzontli ipan macuiltzontli [?] mecatl tlalli moch quicenhuica Tepechpan Tomaizqu..itlan Po...la natzoyatlan========xxxx

Analytic Transcription

[f. 7v.] nican motenehua ytzatlan totom....co mani zentzontli ypan macuyl...zontli mecatl tlali moh quizehuyc... ...epehpan tomayzquitlan po....la natzoyatla....========xxxx

