Texcalucan y Chichicaspa, Manuscrito Techialoyan de

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This manuscript is associated with the indigenous communities of San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Santa María Magdalena Chichicaspa in the modern state of Mexico, republic of Mexico. The manuscript is an unpublished example from the genre called “Techialoyan Codices” — late colonial, Nahuatl-language manuscripts written and painted on amatl (amate in Spanish, the name for a native fig-bark paper). Techialoyan manuscripts date from the late-seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. This particular manuscript is listed as number 744 in the Techialoyan catalog published in the Handbook of Middle American Indians in 1975. The authors of the catalog state that it was burned by the Audiencia of New Spain in 1703. It was clearly ordered to be burned, but it somehow survived that fate. The small communities of San Cristóbal Texcalucan and Santa María Magdalena Chichicaspa are in the larger municipality of Huixquilucan, another Techialoyan town. The Huixquilucan manuscript is number 724 in the HMAI catalog. The Texcalucan and Chichicaspa manuscript consists of seventeen folios measuring about 8” by 8”, in a typical organization for the genre, of two-sided, single leaves that have been bound on the left margin. The manuscript is both pictorial and textual. Four of the folios contain full, running text in Nahuatl. Graphics tend to represent landscapes in and around the community. We also see men working fields, fishing, and gathering in small meetings. One scene shows two men from pre-Columbian times wearing feathered costumes, one holding a war shield and the other an obsidian-studded club. In the entire manuscript, only one woman appears, doña María Tezozomoctzin, wife of don Alonzo Chimalpopoca, who stands next to her. (Stephanie Wood)

Title variants: 
Manuscrito Techialoyan de San Cristóbal Texcalucan y Santa María Magdalena Chichicaspa
Principal editor: 
Stephanie Wood
This manuscript was in the private collection of Jay I. Kislak in Miami Lakes, Florida, in the late twentieth and early twenty-first-century. The manuscript was for sale for a time in the mid-1980s at H.P. Kraus Rare Books and Manuscripts in New York. It is not known if Mr. Kislak purchased the manuscript from Kraus or if it changed hands one or more times before he acquired it. Prior to the 1980s, its ownership history is unknown. Mr. Kislak loaned the manuscript to the Library of Congress for a time in the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Transcriptions and Translations

Analytic Transcription English Translation Literal Transcription Spanish Translation Standardized Transcription
[f. 1v.].........................toxiuh m[olpia?].....xocotl huetzi tlapohua......ylhuytl nican ypan ynin altepet[l] [mot]enehua texcalocan motlapielito y[n] totlazotatzin xan clixtopal texca....eticpac tepetl ytzintlã atlahuy....a tipouhque ypan yn huealtepetl tl...copan yhuan azcapotzalco auh ..n axca... niz omaxitico yn totecyo....yxpantia yxpantzinco yn hu...y tlacatlatoani to antonio te me...toxa ynic on........acoque omo.....eah...ical...........xilacalm.. [f. 1v.] ... our years are tied ... Xocohuetzi [a feast month] counts ... the day. Here in this altepetl called Texcalucan our precious father St. Christopher went to take charge [i.e. serve as patron] at Texcalucan [?], at the top of [?], at the bottom of the hill, [and] at Atlahuitec [?]. We belong to the great altepetl of Tacuba [and] Azcapotzalco. Today our lord(s?) came to arrive here and propose before the great lord ruler don Antonio de Mendoza so that [...they were given?] the houses of [?] the tlaxilacalli [?].. [f. 1v.]..................toxiuh m....... .....xocotl huetzitlapohua.... ..ylhuytl nican ypanyninaltepet.... ..enehuatexcalocanmotlapielitoy.. ..totlazotatzinxanclixtopaltexca.. ..eticpactepetlytzintlãatlahuy.. ..a tipouhqueypanynhuealtepetltl.. ..copanyhuanazcapotzalcoauh.. ..naxca nizomaxiticoyntotecyo... .yxpantiayxpantzincoynhu... ytlacatlatoanitoantonioteme. toxaynicon........acoque omo.. ...eah...ical...........xilacalm.. [f.1v.]...nuestros años están determinados...Xocohuetz [un mes de banquete] cuenta...el día. Aquí en el altepetl llamado Texcalucan nuestro precioso padre San Cristobal sirvió como patrón de Texcalucán [?], en la cima de [?], al pie de la colina, [y] en Atlahuitec [?]. Pertenecemos al gran altepetl de Tacuba [y] Azcapotzalco. Hoy nuestros gobernantes han llegado aquí para proponer al gran gobernante don Antonio de Mendoza para que [... ¿les dieron?] las casas de[?] el tlaxilacalli [?]... [f. 1v.].........................toxiuh molpia.....xocotlhuetzi tlapohua......ilhuitl nican ipan inin altepetl motenehua Texcalocan motlapielito in totlaçotatzin San Cristobal texca....eticpac tepetl itzintlan atlahui....a tipouhque ipan in huei altepetl Tlacopan ihuan Azcapotzalco auh in axcan niz omaxitico in totecuio....ixpantia ixpantzinco in huei tlacatlatohuani don Antonio de Mendoza inic on........acoque omo.....eah...ical...........xilacalm..
[f. 2r.]...yey quau....................colitouhque yn totecuyohuan o[mo?]tlatocatilique tlacopan azcapot[zal]co teçoçomoctzin chimalpopo[ca] totoquiahuatzin acolmiztli au[h] .... yn axcan ye niz topan oazico yn ....neltoquiliztli otitlaocoliloque co....teoyotica teopan calacque auh o[tec?]hmomactilique yn totlazotatzi... .... niz ticmotequipanilhuytoque mo...apielitoc auh ypampa zemicac mah....titoz yn ipeu........ manca ynin .......tepeuh ................nyteh.......... [f. 2r.] ... three ...................... our lords, Tezozomoctzin, Chimalpopoca, Totoquiahuatzin, [and] Acolmiztli ruled in Tacuba [and] Azcapotzalco. Today the faith has reached us. We were granted ... through holy matters [the sacrament of marriage?]. They [some friars?] entered the temple [and gave us?] our precious father [the patron saint] whom we serve and who is in charge [?]. For this reason, eternally everything is announced about the foundation [and location?] of this altepetl[?].... [f. 2r.]...yey quau.................. ..colitouhqueyntotecuyohuan o.. ..tlatocatiliquetlacopanazcapot.. ..co teçoçomoctzin chimalpopo.. ..totoquiahuatzin acolmiztli au.. ..yn axcanyeniztopanoazicoyn... ..neltoquiliztliotitlaocoliloqueco.. ..teoyoticateopancalacqueauho.. ..hmomactiliqueyntotlazotatzi.. ..nizticmotequipanilhuytoquemo.. ..apielitocauhypampazemicac mah.. ..titozynipeu.....nancaynin..... ..tepeuh................nyteh.......... [f/2r.]... tres..........nuestros gobernantes, Tezozomoctzin, Chimalpopoca, Totoquiahuatzin, [y] Acolmiztli gobernaron Tacuba [y] Azcapotzalco. Hoy la fé nos ha alcanzado. Nosotros fuimos concedidos (ortogados)....a través de asuntos sagrados [¿el sacramento del matrimonio?]. Ellos [¿algunos frailes?] entraron al templo [¿y nos dieron?] a nuestro precioso padre [el santo patrono] a quién servimos y quién está a cargo [?]. Por ésta razón, todo será eternamente anunciado acerca de nuestra fundación [¿y ubicación?] de éste altepetl [?] ... [f. 2r.]...yei quau....................colitouhque in totecuiohuan omotlatocatilique Tlacopan Azcapot[zal]co Teçoçomoctzin Chimalpopo[ca] Totoquiahuatzin Acolmiztli. Auh .... in axcan ye niz topan oacico in tlaneltoquiliztli otitlaocoliloque co .... teoyotica teopan calacque. Auh otechmomactilique in totlaçotatzi[n] .... niz ticmotequipanilhuitoque motlapielitoc auh ipampa cemicac machiztitoz in ipeu[h]..... manca inin ..[ial?]tepeuh ................n itech..........
[f. 2v.].........p...matica niz tictecpana .......[t?]leyn yaxca ynin yaltepetzin tot[la?]zotatzin xan clixtopal yhuan yn xan[te?] malie mateltzin ca titozepantlalie .. u .... matlahuytectepetl ytzintlan auh ...n teoyotica titlatilanalme tipouh ....ue ypan yaltepetzin totlaçota[tzi?]n xan antonio motenehua huy ..... locan .....l...aytec auh ypanp... ecm ....... ma ...... iz ........ matozque yn altepehuaque yn tepilhuan ..........pehuaque xante malie mateltzin axca... ypan ynin cahuytl nican ytec ynin [to?]tecpanchan o ......... lalique ont.... [f. 2v.] .................. Here we set down .... what is the property of this altepetl of our precious father St. Christopher and St. Mary Magdalen for we set down altogether ......... at Atlahuitec at the bottom of the hill. We are the legitimate subdivisions, we belong to ... the altepetl of our precious father St. Anthony called Hui[xquilucan] .... For this reason .............. the citizens of the altepetl, the next generation, the citizens at Santa Maria Mateltzin [i.e. Magdalena?]. Now, in this time, here inside this [our?] government palace, we ..... [f. 2v.].........p...matica niz tictecpan..... ....leynyaxcayninyaltepetzintot.... ..zotatzinxanclixtopalyhuan ynxan ..maliemateltzincatitozepantlalie..u.. ..matlahuytectepetlytzintlanauh.. ..nteoyoticatitlatilanalmetipouh.. ..ue ypan yaltepetzi......to tlaçota.. ..n xanantonio motenehuahuy.. ...locan.....l...aytecauhypanp.. .ecm.......ma......iz........matozque .ynaltepehuaqueyntepilhuan.... .pehuaquexantemaliemateltzinaxca.. ypanynincahuytlnicanytecynin... tecpanchano.......laliqueont.... [f.2v.]........... Aquí nos sentamos..... lo que es la propiedad de este altepetl de nuestro precioso padre San Cristobal y Santa María Magdalena para, lo que nos establecimos todos juntos ........... en Atlahuaitec al pie de la colina. Somos la legítima subdivisión, pertenecemos a .... el altepetl de nuestro precioso padre San Antonio llamado Hui [xquilucan] .... Por esta razón ............. los ciudadanos del altepetl, la siguiente generación, los ciudadanos de Santa María Mateltzin [¿por ej: Magdalena?]. Ahora, durante este tiempo, aquí adentro de este [¿nuestro?] palacio de gobierno, nosotros ..... [f. 2v.].........p...matica niz tictecpana ........tlein iaxca inin ialtepetzin totlaçotatzin San Cristobal ihuan in Santa Maria Mateltzin [Magdalena?] ca titocepantlalia .. u .... matlahuitectepetl itzintlan auh ...n teoyotica titlatilanalme tipouh ....ue ipan ialtepetzin in totlaçotatzin San Antonio motenehua hui ..... locan .....l...aitec auh ipanp... ecm ....... ma ...... iz ........ matozque in altepehuaque in tepilhuan in altepehuaque [?] Santa Maria Mateltzin [Magdalena?] axcan ipan inin cahuitl nican itec inin totecpanchan o ......... lalique ont....
[f. 3r] ..chnechicoque mohyntin [?] y ........laquique ca yn axcan niz motecpana..altepeamatl auh yn nehuapol ton ........l te xante malia chimalpopoca yn ipa............epetl tlacopan nictequipanotoc teq..ycatzinco tohueytlatocatzin axc.. ypan ynin cahuytl niz onazico y..... ynin yaltepetzin totlaçotatzin x.... clixtopal texcalocan nixpan omo..nechicoque yn altepehuaque tep......huan yhuan yn tequihuaque tlay..que omotlaytlanique yn ica yn tley... ymaxca altepehuaque altepetlatqu.... canin nenemi ........htli ca nican..... [f. 3r.] we [?] gathered together, all the tribute payers, for now, here, is arranged the altepetl paper. Wretched me, don Miguel [?] de Santa Maria Chimalpopoca in the altepetl of Tacuba, I am serving ... our great ruler now, in this time. Here I had arrived in [?] this altepetl of our precious father St. Christopher, Texcalucan. Before me, the citizens of the altepetl, the population, and the officeholders assembled ... They were asked what was the property of the citizens of the altepetl, the property of the altepetl [and] where the boundaries run. For here.... [f. 3r.] ..chnechicoquemoh.yniny.... laquique ca yn axcan niz motecpana.. altepeamatlauh yn nehuapolton... ltexantemaliachimalpopoca ynipa.. tepetltlacopannictequipanotocteq.. ycatzincotohueytlatocatzomaxc.. ..ypanynincahuytlnizonazicoy... yninyaltepetzintotlaçotatzinx... clixtopaltexcalocannixpanomo.. nechicoqueynaltepehuaquetep... huan yhuanyntequihuaquetlay.. queomotlaytlanique ynicayntley.. ymaxca altepehuaque altepetlatqu.. canin nenemi......htli ca nican..... [f.3r.] nosotros [?] reunidos juntos, todos los pagadores del tributo, por ahora aquí se arregla el contrato del altepetl. Despreciable mí, don Miguel [?] de Santa María Chimalpopoca en el altepetl de Tacuba, estoy sirviendo ... a nuestro gran gobernante en este tiempo. Llegué aquí en [?] este altepetl de nuestro precioso padre San Cristobal, Texcalucan. Antes de mí, los ciudadanos del altepetl, la población, y los gobernantes se assemblaron ... y se les preguntó cuál era la propiedad de los ciudadanos del altepetl, la propiedad del altepetl [y] donde corrían lod linderos. De aquí... [f. 3r.] [te]chnechicoque [?] mochintin [?] i titlacalaquique [?] ca in axcan niz motecpana ..altepeamatl auh in nehuapol don Miguel [?] de Santa Maria Chimalpopoca in ipan in altepetl Tlacopan nictequipanotoc teq..icatzinco tohueitlatocatzin axcan [?] ipan inin cahuitl niz onacico ipan [?] inin ialtepetzin totlaçotatzin San Cristobal Texcalucan nixpan omo..nechicoque in altepehuaque tepilhuan [?] ihuan in tequihuaque tlai..que omotlaitlanique in ica yn tlein [?] imaxca altepehuaque altepetlatquitl canin nenemi quaxochhtli ca nican.....
[f. 3v.] ..que.........y........xan antoniotzin hu[ui]zquilocan tlayecanque tequihuaque...nel niz zepan onoque tlaxilacalme o (or a?).. ypanpa amo momozihuyzque paca ..ocoxca quitequipanozque yn zezen ..xilacali yn altepetlali quename y neztoc yn altepeamatl yaxcatzin [to]tlazotatzin xan antoniotzin niz m[otla?]cuauhnahuatia ytec ynin tecpan..li ynnahuac ynzemixpan moh y....tlayecanque tequihuaque tepix....e niquitohua ma motecpana ma ...otlilmachioti yn altepetlali quite...uipanozque ynin ....zehualti... texcalo....ntlaca --------------------------------- [f. 3v.] .............. San Antonio Huixquilocan [Huixquilucan, today]. The heads, the officeholders ... truly here altogether the tlaxilacalli were present ... for this reason they are not to be worried. Gladly and peacefully, each tlaxilacalli worked the lands of the altepetl as it appears in the altepetl document. It is the property of our precious father San Antonio. Here is strictly ordered in this ordinance [?] ... next to and in front of all the leaders, the officeholders, [and] the minor officials. I say, let it be ordered or arranged, let it be written. These commoners, the people of Texcalocan [Texcalucan, today] are to work the altepetl lands. [f. 3v.] ..que.........y........xan antoniotzin hu.. ..zquilocan tlayecanque tequihuaque... nelnizzepanonoquetlaxilacalme o (or a?).. ypan pa amomomozihuyzquepaca.. ocoxcaquitequipanozque yn zezen ..xilacali ynaltepetlaliquename y neztocynaltepeamatlyaxcatzin tlazotatzinxanantoniotzinniz m(?).. cuauhnahuatiaytecynintecpan li yn na huacynzemixpanmohy.. ..tlayecanque tequihuaque tepix.. ..eniquitohuamamotecpanama.. ..otlilmachiotiynaltepetlaliquite .uipanozqueynin...zehualtitexcalo ..ntlaca --------------------------------- [f.3v.] ................ San Antonio Huixquilocán [Huizquilucán en el presente]. Las cabezas, los gobernantes.... sinceramente aquí todo el tlaxilacalli estaba presente.... por esta razón ellos no deben preocuparse. Alegre y pacíficamente, cada tlaxilacalli trabajaba las tierras del altepetl como aparece en el documento del altepetl. Es propiedad de nuestro precioso padre San Antonio. Aquí es estrictamente ordenado en ésta ordenanza [?] .... al lado y en frente de los líderes, los gobernantes [y] los funcionarios menores. Digo, déjalo ser ordenado o arreglado, y escrito. Estas personas, la gente de Texcalocan [Texcalucan en el presente] están aquí para trabajar las tierras del altepetl. [f. 3v.] ..que.........y........San Antoniotzin Huixquilocan tlayecanque tequihuaque...nel niz cepan onoque tlaxilacalme o (or a?).. ipanpa amo momocihuizque pacca yocoxca quitequipanozque in cecen ..xilacali in altepetlali quename i neztoc in altepeamatl iaxcatzin totlaçotatzin San Antoniotzin niz motlaquauhnahuatia itec inin tecpantli innahuac incemixpan moch y....tlayecanque tequihuaque tepixque niquitohua ma motecpana ma motlilmachioti in altepetlali quitequipanozque inin macehualtin Texcalocantlaca ---------------------------------
[4r.] ....huan Xante malie mateltz ...........[o?]noque auh yn ica yn teoyotica neltiliztli ca zemicac onyazque xan anto[nio]tzin ca Onpa nepoalco ca zemicac mo .. ynin tlatlalili amo ac quipanahuyz ....o ac quitlacoz quipiezque quitepotzt[o?]..zque yn hualmozcaltizque yn quihihu[a?]..que quitequipanozque tequitl auh ynic ...itcatlali moh niz tecpantimani nezt........ncan in mopalehuyzque quitequipan....que mazehualti auh ypanpa zemica... yoqui machiztitoz nican yca yn itoc...tzin tohueytlatocatzin ley nehuap... nicopelnatol niquinmaca ....huelitiliz ... ....intin altepeh.... ...... ynic omo........ [4r.] and Santa María Mateltzin [or Magdalena?] ...[are present?]. And with holy verification, for always they are to go to San Antonio, at Nepoalco, for always, ... no one is to trespass against, no one is to go against this ruling. They are to observe it, they are to investigate it, those who will be raised, those who are to do and perform public labor. And regarding the tribute [?] land, here all is put in order, it is appearing [on the manuscript?]. There the commoners are to be assisted (or help each other?) in putting this order into operation [?]. And for this reason, always in this way, it is to be announced. Here, in the name of our great ruler the king, wretched me, I, the governor, I give them my power ... all the citizens [?] of the altepetl ............. [4r.] ....huanXantemaliemateltz....... ....noque auh ynica ynteoyoticanel tiliztli ca zemicaconyazquexananto.. tzin ca Onpanepoalco cazemicacmo.. ynin tlatlalilia moacquipanahuyz.. oacquitlacozquipiezque quitepotzto.. zqueynhualmozcaltizque ynquihihua.. que quitequipanozque tequitlauh ynic ...itcatlali moh niz tecpanti mani nezt... ..ncaninmopalehuyzquequitequipan.. quemazehualti auh ypanpa zemica.. yoquimachiztitoz nican yca ynitoc... tzin tohueytlatocatzinleynehuap.. ..nicopelnatol niquinmaca huelitiliz... ....intinaltepeh.........ynicomo........... [4r.] y Santa María Mateltzin [¿o Magdalena?]… [¿estaban presentes?]. Y con verificación sagrada, porque siempre han de ir a San Antonio, en Nepoalco, porque siempre, ... nadie ha de transgresar, nadie ha de ir contra esta decisión. Han de observarla, han de investigarla, los que han de ser llamados, los que han de hacer y desempeñar trabajo publico. Y con respeto a la tierra tributaria, aqui todo estará puesto en orden, aparecerá [¿en el manuscrito?]. Ahi los macehuales serán ayudados (¿se ayudaran?) para poner a orden esta operación [¿?]. Y por esta razón, siempre de esta manera, será anunciado. Aquí, en el nombre de nuestro señor, el rey, yo,despreciable mí, yo, el gobernador, les daré mi poder... todos los ciudadanos [¿?] del altepetl........ [RMG] [4r.] ....huan Santa Maria Mateltz ...........onoque [?] auh in ica in teoyotica neltiliztli ca cemicac onyazque San Antoniotzin ca onpa Nepoalco ca cemicac mo .. inin tlatlalili amo acqui panahuiz ... oac quitlacoz quipiezque quitepotztocazque in hualmozcaltizque in quichihuazque quitequipanozque tequitl auh ynic ...itcatlali moch niz tecpantimani neztoc oncan in mopalehuizque quitequipanozque macehualtin auh ipanpa cemicac iuhqui machiztitoz nican ica in itocatzin tohueitlatocatzin rey nehuapol nicopelnatol niquinmaca nohuelitiliz [?]....mochintin altepehuaque ynic omo. ..........
[f. 4v.] ..que....Omozenechicoque auh ypa....... amo ytlacahuyz nohyntin yzemix....n Omotlilmachioti Omotepan ynin .....alama.... axcan ypan ynin cahuytl to[xi?]uh molpia metztli xocotlhuetzi.....huazenpuali yhuan chicuey ylhuy.... ynic omozencauh ynin altepeam.... xihuytl ytlapohual zentzo...tl... ...pan macuylpuali yhuan Onpu... ...n caxtolxihuytl ypan yn itla.............. totecuyo to loyx te pelaxco === ..ehuatl to ximon te xa maltin chimal....ocatzin Onitlacuylo yntencopa pipil.... nican tlatzontecoyan ============= [f. 4v.] ......they all assembled, everyone assembled or was gathered together. It is never to be violated. In the presence of all, this document was written and arranged or ordered. Today, in this time, when our years are counted [i.e. a period ends and another starts], in the month of Xocohuetzi [?], 128 days, when this altepetl document was prepared, in the year count 400 plus 100 and 40 and 15 years [i.e. ‘555 or 1555], by [approval of?] our lord don Luis de Velasco. I, don Simón de San Martín Chimalpopocatzin, I wrote it by order of the nobles here at the courthouse. [f. 4v.] ..que....Omozenechicoqueauhypa.... ..amoytlacahuyznohyntin yzemix........ ..n Omotlilmachioti Omotepan ynin ..alamaaxcanypanynincahuytl to... ..uhmolpiametztlixocotlhuetzi..... ..huazenpualiyhuanchicuey ylhuy.. ..ynicomozencauh ynin altepeam.. ..xihuytl ytlapohualzentzo..tl.. ..panmacuylpualiyhuanOnpu..... ..n caxtolxihuytlypanynitla[tot?].... ...totecuyoto loyxtepelaxco=== ..ehuatl toximontexamaltinchimal.. ..ocatzinOnitlacuylo yntencopa pipil.. ..nicantlatzontecoyan ====== ======= [f.4v.] todos ellos se ensamblaron, todos se ensamblaron o se acumularon juntos. Nunca ha de ser violado. En la presencia de todos, este documento fue escrito y arreglado o ordenado. Hoy en estos tiempos, cuando nuestros años son contados [i.e. un periodo termina y otro empieza], en el mes de Xocohuetzi [¿?], 128 días, cuando este documento de altepetl fue preparado, en la cuenta del año de 400 más 100, y 40, y 15 años [i.e. ‘555 o 1555], con [¿el permiso de?] nuestro Señor don Luis de Velasco. Yo, don Simón de San Martín Chimalpopocatzin, yo lo escribí por orden de los nobles aquí en la corte. [RMG] [f. 4v.] ..que.... omocenechicoque auh ipanpa ... amo itlacahuiz nochintin i cemixpan omotlilmachioti omotepan inin tlalamatl [?] axcan ipan inin cahuitl toxiuh [?] molpia metztli xocotlhuetzi .. [chic?]huacenpohuali ihuan chicuei ilhuitl [?] inic omocencauh inin altepeamatl [?] xihuitl itlapohual centzontli [?] ipan macuilpohuali ihuan onpohual ihuan [?] caxtolxihuitl ipan in itla[tot?]..... totecuyo don Luis de Velasco === nehuatl don Simon de San Martin Chimalpopocatzin onitlacuilo intencopa pipiltin [?] nican tlatzontecoyan =============
[f. 5r.] niz motenehua texcalteticpac mani zentzontli mecatl tlali huytlatztoc nenemi coaxochtli xxxxx [f. 5v.] Here at the place called Texcalteticpac is land one tzontli [presumably, 400] mecatl [mecates, in Spanish] long. The boundary runs along. XXXXX [f. 5r.] nizmotenehuatexcalteticpac manizentzontlimecatltlalihuy tlatztocnenemicoaxochtlixxx xx [f. 5v.] Aquí es [el paraje] llamado Texcalteticpac. Hay un tzontli (400) mecatl (varas?) de tierra que se extiendan. Los linderos corren. [f. 5r.] niz motenehua Texcalteticpac mani centzontli mecatl tlalli huitlatztoc nenemi coaxochtli XXXXX
[f. 5r.] Juan de Castro Cid [f. 5r.] Juan de Castro Cid [f. 5r.] JuandeCastroCid [f. 5r.] Juan de Castro Cid [f. 5r.] Juan de Castro Cid