indigenous man fishing (Spanish colonial times)
This is a detail of an indigenous man fishing by a blue river. He sits on the ground, holding a fishing pole. His line has multiple leaders going into the water. His clothing is the white cotton clothing typical of the Spanish colonial period. He also wears sandals, and a hat lies on the ground to his left. To his right may be a receptacle of some kind (cup or bowl?). His black hair reaches to the top of his shirt. He also wears a mustache.
hombre indígena pescando
Detalle de un hombre indígena pescando por un río azul. Es se sienta en el piso, agarrando una caña de pescar. Su línea tiene multiples cabecillas que caen al agua. Su ropa es la ropa blanca de algodón típica del periodo colonial Español. El también viste sandalias, y un sombrero esta en el piso a su izquierda. A su derecha puede estar un recipiente de algun tipo (taza o plato ondo?). Su cabello negro alcanza arriba de su camiseta. El también viste un bigote.