[f. 1r.] Altepeama..
xa maltin ocoya
cac [tl?]atquitl OOO [SW] |
Town document (titles) of San Martín Ocoyacac, the property. [SW] |
[f. 1v.] ...n ypan ynin altepetl ocoyacac mo[-]
tenehua motlapielia totlaçotatzin xa[n]
maltintzin opizpo ocotitlan ocoya[-]
cac coauhtenco toxantitlan coa[-]
uhtzalan(?) niz ypan ynin ytlaçoalte[-]
petzin yn totlaçotatzin otitoçenne...
hicoque timohyntin altepehuaque
tlaxilacaleque axcan ypan ynin
cahuytl niz otitlalmacoque omote[-]
neuhque altepeme ytencopatzin[-]
co yn tohueytlatocauh ton antonio]
te mentoxa pili otlalxexelolo..
ypan ynin cahuytl metztli huey mi..
ylhuitl xihuytl ytlalpohual cent[zon]
tli ypan macuilpuali yhuan çe.. [SW] |
[f. 1v.] ... in this altepetl called Ocoyacac is kept our precious father San Martín Obispo. At Ocotitlan, Ocoyacac, Coauhtenco, Tozantitlan, [and] Cuauhtzalan. Here in this, the precious altepetl of our precious father we all assembled, all of us, the people of the altepetl, the people of the tlaxilacalli, today in this time here we were given the aforementioned altepetl by order of our great ruler don Antonio de Mendoza [the viceroy], the noble. Lands were distributed in this time, the month of the great ... the day, the year’s count 400 and 300 and one... [SW] |
[f. 2r.] puali yhuan caxtol xihuytl çe tec[-]-
patl ome acatl toxiuhmolpia ni[-]
can ytec ynin totecpanhan tlatzon[-]-
tecoyan otitoçennehicoque timoh[-]
yntin altepehuaque niz tipouhque
yn tehuan axcan tictequipanotoque
altepetl tichiuhtoque* yanquic tequitl
otehmactique otimacoque topil in [n]i[-]
can ypan ynin altepetl titlacuauh-[]
nahuatia ma moyectecpana motlil[-]
mahioti yn tlali otehmonemactili yn
tohueytlatocatzin yn quitequipano[-]
..que tepilhuan altepehuaque ynic mo[-]
tlatemolizque quixtlahuazque yn itla[-]
[c]alaquiltzin yn tohueytlatocatzin [SW] |
[f. 2r.] twenty and 15 years [i.e. 735, meaning 1735?], one flint two reed [note: these are names for two different years] our years are tied. Here in this our lordly palace, our palace of justice, we assembled, all of the people of the altepetl. Here we counted the people. Today we established the altepetl, We set the new tributes. They handed over to us, we were given the staff [of office] here in this altepetl. We strictly enjoin [?], let it be set well in order, be manifested in black, your great ruler gave the land to us. The people’s children, the people of the altepetl, are to serve so that they will look for, they will pay their tributes to our great lord [SW] |
[f. 2 v.] onmoetztica tonatiuh yquizayan[-]
pa auh ypanpa mahiztitoz ynic omo[-]
man ynin yaltepetzin yn totlaçotatzi[n]
axcan niz motlilmahiotia ca ycuac
qu(?) ipan yn itlatocayo yn hueytlato...
tlatoani totecuyo axayacatzin ye y[-]
cuac niz titopahoque omoteneuh
ynin altepetl ocoyacac auh yn axc..
niz topan oazico yn tlaneltoquiliztli
motlapielia totlaçotatzin xa maltin
ca otehmocnoytili yn totlatocatzin y..
tlali otimacoque moh niz tecpan...
ni yteh ynin altepeamatl neztoc
neztimani yn canpa mani tlali [SW] |
[f. 2v.] here is the sun’s rising place [the East]. And in order that it appears how this altepetl of our precious father was established, here it is manifested in black. It is in the time of the rulership of the great ruler, our lord Axayacatl. It was already when here we bowed down in this altepetl called Ocoyacac. And today, here, upon us arrived the faith [and] our precious father San Martín is kept. Our ruler humbled us. We were given land. All here in the palace, in this town document, it appears where the land is. [SW] |
[f. 3r.] nenemi coaxohtli onazi ayayatztla no(?)
zacamilpan atzoyatla tamazolan titocu[-]
axohnamique yn canpa motenehua
tlilzoquipan yn nahuac altepehuq..
xanta malietzin tepexoyucan ma[-]
ni coaxohtli neztoc neztimani quamate(?)[-]
tepexoquian altepehuaque nenemi
coaxohtli hualmocuepa canin mote[-]
nehua tozantitlan ocotenco nenemi on[-]
azi tepeticpaccan ... mani cuauhzoya[-]
tl hualmuecuepa yxtlahuatl ypan
canin motenehua xalpan atl ynequi[-]
antoli(?) yntlan mani ontzontli mecatl tla..
a yaxca yn totecpanhan huytlatztoc
neztimani yn zemicac quitequipa[-] [SW] |
[f. 3r.] the border runs along. It arrives at Ayayatztla, also at Zacamilpan, Atzoyatla, [and] Tamazolan. We share a border where its called Tlilzoquipan next to the people of the altepetl of Santa María Tepexoyuca. There is a border that appears at Quamate... ]of] the people of Tepexoquian, The border runs and turns this direction at the place called Tozantitlan Ocotenco. It runs, it arrives at Tepeticpaccan, at Cuauhzoyatl. It turns at the plain in the place called Xalpan Atl. .... if there are 800 mecatl (measuring cords) of land, it is the property of our ruling palace. It stretches out, appearing. Eternally they are to work it... [SW] |
[f. 3v.] nozque yn tepilhuan altepehuaque
ca nel oncan quiza ynic motlalhuyqu..
tililia yn totlazotatzin xa maltin yn
tlatlali zemicac mopiez omoacqui[-]
panahuyz amo acqui tlacoz auh yn
tequitcatlali neztimani y quitequip..
nozque altepehuaque tepilhuan t..
calaquique amo acquin mozihuy..
ca yn intlal niz motenehua nica..
tecpanli (?) mani otehmomaquili..
tohueytlatocatzin ley auh za yet n...
yoqui yn topili otehmactique ax[-]
can tictequipanotoque yanqui(?) te[-]
quitl timohyntin nican ont.....y.. [SW] |
[f. 3v.] (forthcoming) |
[f. 4r.] (forthcoming) |
[F. 4r.] (forthcoming) |
[f. 4v.] ynin cahuytl niz titotlilmahiotia
tonaly tohu timochyntin tequihu[a][-]
que niz ytec ynin totecpanhan to[-]
tzontecoyan tecpatl tohtli acatl to[-]
xiuhmolpia -----
to miquel axa[-]
yacatl hueycal[-]
pixque ---
ton aloxo axaya[-]
catl tecpanquizque
to maltin te xa miqu[el]
xihuan te xanti[-]
aco tlayacanqui
to malcox tayatzin
tlaltecatzin tlaya[-]
Nehuapol ton xihuan te xal maltin
axayatl tlacuylo onichiuh notequiuh(?)
yn tencopan yn altepehuaque tlatoque [SW] |
[f. 4v.] (forthcoming) |
[f. 5r.] tocolhuan cu......tlaca acolhuaque |
[f. 5r.] our grandparents, people of ..., Acolhua people |
[f. 6r.] niz motenehua tepetzin coatlan tlapehco mani ontzontli mecatl tlali altepehuaque ymaxca nenemi coaxohtli huytlatztimani [SW] |
[f. 6r.] Here it is called Tepetzin Coatlan Tlapechco. There are 800 mecatl (measuring cords) of land. It is the property of the people of the altepetl. The border runs along stretching out. [SW] |