Bk. V, f. 2r., indigenous man (colonial attire)

Bk. V, f. 2r., indigenous man (colonial attire)

This is a detail, appearing in Book V, folio 2 recto, of the head and shoulders of an indigenous man, probably don Gaspar Moteuczoma. His wavy hair reaches to his shoulders, where it appears to turn under. He wears what appears to be a knee-length white cotton tunic, typical of the clothing of the Spanish-colonial era. He appears to be gesturing, with a hand on or near his chest. [SW]
un hombre indígena
Detalle de la cabeza y los hombros de un hombre indígena, probablemente don Gaspar Moctezuma. Su pelo ondulado llega hasta los hombros, aunque parecería continuar. Viste lo que parece ser una túnica de algodón blanco hasta las rodillas, atuendo típico del período colonial. Parecería estar gesticulando con una mano cerca de su pecho.