letter, number, or symbol

letter, number, or symbol

This is a detail, appearing in Book VI, folio 1 verso, of what is possibly the letter “t” or “x,” or just a mark made by someone who was going through the pages and trying to keep track of something. The ink is darker and the letter is smaller than any letters in the principal text, suggesting it was added at a later time. [SW]
número, letra o símbolo
Detalle de lo que posiblemente sea la letra “t” o “x”, o quizás una marca hecha por alguien que buscaba entre las páginas y quiso marcar la hoja para identificarla posteriormente. La tinta es más oscura y la letras son más pequeñas que las del texto principal, sugiriendo que fue agregada posteriormente.

Translations and Transcriptions

Analytic Transcription




Analytic Transcription


