

This is a detail of the principal text of the front face of the tenth folio of sixteen folios (also Book V, folio 4 recto). This text identifies the two men in the scene, the noblemen, don Miguel de Santa María and don Bartolomé Chimalpopocatzin. The title of nobility, “don” conveys their elite status. The name Chimalpopocatzin is the the reverential form of Chimalpopoca (Nahuatl for “Smoking Shield”). A man of that name (1397-1427) was the third ruler (1417-27) of the empire based in Mexico City in pre-Columbian times. [SW]
Detalle del texto principal de la cara frontal del décimo folio de dieciséis folios (tambien Libro V, folio 4 recto). El texto identifica a los dos nobles en la escena, don Miguel de santa María y don Bartolomé Chimalpopocatzin. El nombre Chimalpopocatzin es la forma reverencial de Chimaipopoca (Nahuatl para “escudo humeante”). Un hombre con ese nombre (1397-1427) fue el tercer emperador (1417-27) del imperio con base en la ciudad de México en épocas precolombinas.

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[V, f. 4r.] Principales, don Miguel de Santa María [y] don Bartolomé Chimalpopocatzin.

English Translation

[V, f. 4r.] Noblemen, don Miguel de Santa María [and] don Bartolomé Chimalpopocatzin.

Literal Transcription

[V, f. 4r.] pipiltitomiquelte..... temaliatopaltolome.... malpopocatzin

Standardized Transcription

[V, f. 4r.] Pipiltin don Miguel de [San]ta María [ihuan] don Bartolomé [Chi?]malpopocatzin.

Analytic Transcription

[V, f. 4r.] pipilti ton miquel te ....te malia to paltolome ...malpopocatzin



Spanish Translation

[V, f. 4r.] Principales, don Miguel de Santa María [y] don Bartolomé Chimalpopocatzin.

English Translation

[V, f. 4r.] Noblemen, don Miguel de Santa María [and] don Bartolomé Chimalpopocatzin.

Literal Transcription

[V, f. 4r.] pipiltitomiquelte..... temaliatopaltolome.... malpopocatzin

Standardized Transcription

[V, f. 4r.] Pipiltin don Miguel de [San]ta María [ihuan] don Bartolomé [Chi?]malpopocatzin.

Analytic Transcription

[V, f. 4r.] pipilti ton miquel te ....te malia to paltolome ...malpopocatzin

