Bk. IV, f. 2v., indigenous man standing
This is a detail, appearing in Book IV, folio 2 verso, of an indigenous man standing, holding a bow and arrow in his left hand. He has a quiver of arrows on his back. He is bare-chested, shoeless, and wears only an animal skin, a skirt-like garment. The skin has a furry appearance. The man has long black hair that reaches well below his shoulders. He also has a mustache. He may be gesturing with his right hand. [SW]
un hombre indígena de pie (era precolombina)
Este es un detalle de un hombre indígena de pie, sosteniendo un arco y flecha en su mano izquierda. Carga una aljaba con flechas en la espalda. Tiene el pecho descubierto, no lleva sandalias y viste una falda de piel animal. Su cabello es largo, sobrepasando los hombros. También tiene un bigote. Podría estar gesticulando con su mano derecha.