f. 1r., head of the indigenous noble male
This is a detail of the portrait of a Nahua noble, probably don Diego de Mendoza Austria Moteuczoma, who appears on the cover of the manuscript. The man wears a golden crown, rounded at the top and tied at the back with what appears to be a reddish colored cloth. Green feathers curve around from behind his left shoulder, and bend back behind his head and crown. At the base of the green feathers there may be a layer of yellow or tan-colored feathers. The man wears a necklace of large round beads. There may be a diadem at the front, or this may be the tie for his cloak or cape. A fold in the paper runs right through the necklace and the man’s face obscuring them somewhat, but he seems to have a mustache and a short beard, both of black hair. He also has long black hair on his head that hangs down to at least his shoulders.
cabeza del hombre de la nobleza indígena
Detalle del retrato de un noble Nahua, probablemente don Diego de Mendoza Austria Moctezuma, quien aparece en la portada del manuscrito. Porta una corona redonda dorada, sujeta por detrás a lo que parece ser una capa rojiza. De su hombro derecho se curvan plumas verdes, que atraviesan su cabeza. A la altura de la base de las plumas verdes aparece una capa de plumas amarillas. Alrededor del cuello porta un collar de cuentas grandes. Parece haber un pendiente en el frente, aunque podría ser simplemente el nudo de la capa. El pelo negro parece llegar hasta la altura de los hombros, y lleva también un bigote y una barba pequeña, ambos de color negro.