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f. 5r., full page of text

f. 5r., full page of text

This is a full page of text, folio 5 recto, with no images. The text on this page is written directly on fig bark paper. The text here is a continuation of a boundary survey. The neighborhood or small settlement of San Gaspar Moyotlan is mentioned. The land there is claimed by the town (of Tolcayuca, presumably). A hill named Xicalhuacan is also mentioned. Additional references are to producing tributes, to churches, and to warfare.
Página entera de un folio
Esta es una página llena de texto, folio 5 recto, no tiene imagenes. El texto en esta página esta escrito directamente en el papel de amate. El texto de aqui es una continuación de bordes de inspección. El vecindario o el pequeño asentamiento de San Gaspar Moyotlan es mencionado. La tierra de ahi es reclamada por el pueblo (de Tolcayuca, supuestamente). Una montaña llamada Xicalhuacan es mencionada también. Referencias adicionales están produciendo tributos, para iglesias, y para la guerra.

Translations and Transcriptions

Analytic Transcription

[f. 5r.] tlahuaca nepantla onca mani yn quaxotli zan yehuatl motepoztocaz tlamelahua honazi cani ca tlaxilacalli xan caxpal moyotlan ca mochi itlal yn toAltepeuh tlamelahua yc tlecohua ypan tepetl molhuia xicalhuacan yn tlaco tepetl ytech pohui yn toaltepeuh auh noncan mani memilli ca mochin ytech pohui Yn toaltepeuh ypan titlatequipanohua ypan tiquixtlahua ytlacalaquiltzin tohueitlatocatzin yhuan tlen oc zequi teOpan monequi ytech pohui santa yglexia ayac aquin quimaxcatiz no ce ameda [umeda?] quixtilizcalo axcan y nica yaoyotica omotla yn iquac omotlatocatili yn huei

English Translation

[f. 5r.] between ...tlahuacan. There is the border. Only (someone) is to observe it. It goes straight and arrives there. For here [at] the tlaxilacalli [called] San Gaspar Moyotlan, all of it pertains to our altepetl [of Tolcayuca, presumably]. It goes straight and upward onto the hill called Xicalhuacan. Up on the hill belongs to our altepetl. And there are magueyes [maguey fields?]. Why, all of it belongs to our altepetl. On it we serve. On it we pay the tributes of our great ruler. And something else, a temple is desired. It belongs to the Holy Church. No one is to make it his property. Also one [?].... evict [?]. Now, here through war ... was when the great ... was made ruler