Seated Lady (Generation II-5)
This lady was a princess called “Precious Lady” (1). According to Codex Bodley (p. 15-i), her calendar name was 6 Reed. She was from an unidentified place represented by a feather carpet (yodzo, “valley”) and a sinking sun disc. Her father was a brother of lord 8 Reed “Crested Guan” (who was her grandfather). In this way, this marriage brought “Valley of the Sinking Sun” back into the Tilantongo line. At the same time, her mother was a sister of her grandmother. Both sisters were daughters of the Toltec lords with whom lord 8 Deer “Jaguar Claw” had forged his marital ties.
Señora Sentada (Generación II-5)
Esta señora era una princesa llamada 'Señora Preciosa' (1). Según el Códice Bodley (p. 15-i), su nombre calendárico fue 6 Caña. Ella vino de un lugar no identificado, cuyo topograma representa un tapete de plumas (yodzo, 'valle') y un disco solar en el ocaso. Su padre era un hermano del señor 8 Caña 'Cojolito' (quien era su abuelo). De esta manera, este casamiento reincorporó 'Valle del Disco Solar en Ocaso' en la línea de Tilantongo. Al mismo tiempo, su madre era la hermana de su abuela. Ambas hermanas eran hijas de los señores toltecos con quienes el señor 8 Venado 'Garra de Jaguar' había forjado sus lasos matrimoniales.