two trees, glossed

two trees, glossed

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

"El lindero de San Agustín es donde están formados los ahuejotes." "Límite de ahuejotes." [Santos Herrera de la Rosa and Ignacio Silva Cruz]

English Translation

They established the palace there at the boundary of the white willows. [SW]

Standardized Transcription

"Oncan tecpantoque huehuexocuaxochtli San Agustin." "Huexotl Cuaxochtli." [Santos Herrera de la Rosa and Ignacio Silva Cruz]



Spanish Translation

"El lindero de San Agustín es donde están formados los ahuejotes." "Límite de ahuejotes." [Santos Herrera de la Rosa and Ignacio Silva Cruz]

English Translation

They established the palace there at the boundary of the white willows. [SW]

Standardized Transcription

"Oncan tecpantoque huehuexocuaxochtli San Agustin." "Huexotl Cuaxochtli." [Santos Herrera de la Rosa and Ignacio Silva Cruz]

