Guelaxé, Mapa de Santa María

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This is a Zapotec community not far from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. The map resides today in the Archivo General de la Nación. It dates from the late seventeenth century. The explanatory texts are in Spanish. (Brief introduction by Stephanie Wood. Map analysis with contributions from Beatriz Cruz.)

Principal editor: 
Stephanie Wood

Transcriptions and Translations

Analytic Transcription English Translation Literal Transcription Spanish Translation Standardized Transcription
este serro es de la hacienda Chiva.... y de Guelazé
[Transcription by Stephanie Wood:] Tierras del Pueblo antiguo de Santo Domingo Luana(?), que a muchos años [s]e despoblo, del qual quedaron unos Yndios llamados los Valencias que las gozan y poseen [Translation from Spanish to English by Stephanie Wood:] [These are the] lands of the old town of Santo Domingo Luana(?), which became depopulated many years ago, [but] from which remained some Indians called the Valencias, who enjoy and possess them [today, i.e. in the 1690s].
[Transcription of the Spanish by Stephanie Wood:] este quadro de punto que divide el Rio con las Tierras que pose[e]n los Naturales de Guelace, en cuya posecion fueron amparados en 18 de Diciembre de 1690 en virtud de Despacho Superior. estan de el Rio arriba son de temporal [Spanish-to-English translation by Stephanie Wood:] This quarter point divides the river from the lands that belong to the indigenous people of Guelace, in whose possession they were protected by a High Dispatch on December 18, 1690. They [the lands in question] are from the river going up. They are irrigated only by rain.